JOHN DEERE 450LC EXCAVATOR REPAIR SERVICE TECHNICAL MANUAL TM1672. This is printed repair service manual from John Deere, which contains periodic maintenance charts, step by step repair instructions, troubleshooting information and overhaul procedures along with hundreds of photographs and illustrations. Parts number: TM1672Serial number: Language: ENGLISHType: REPAIR SERVICE MANUALModel: 450LCNew manual in excellent condition without damage. The first figure shows an example of what a book looks like. If you have any questions, please contact. If you need to find a suitable manual, you can always write a request and we will select the right kit. Type: REPAIR SERVICE MANUAL. New manual in excellent condition without damage. Sorry, our items are NOT available for pick-up. No additional information at this time. You might also like. HITACHI EX135USR EXCAVATOR OPERATORS MANUAL. HITACHI EX17U EXCAVATOR OPERATORS MANUAL. HITACHI EX330LC-5 EX370-5 EXCAVATOR OPERATORS MANUAL #1. HITACHI ZAXIS ZX 75US-5N 85USB-5N EXCAVATOR OPERATORS MANUAL.